Facebook trends 2023: Predictions for the next big thing

A lot happened last year for Facebook, but how does 2023 look? Let’s examine the biggest Facebook trends today, what’s set to pop off in the future, what the platform thinks the next big thing will be, and more.

Facebook trends

A lot happened last year for Facebook, but how does 2023 look? Let’s examine the biggest Facebook trends today, what’s set to pop off in the future, what the platform thinks the next big thing will be, and more.

There are almost too many topics to discuss when it comes to Facebook trends in 2023, but we’ll give it a shot! Before we cover the specific areas outlined by Facebook themselves, let’s focus on some wider platform trends we’re expecting to see this year.

Facebook Stories

Sure, people will tell you that TikTok, Snapchat and the like have left Facebook Stories in the dust. But the latter’s still pulling in more than 1 billion posts per day, so it must be doing something right – Stories will remain a relevant trend for brands and indie content creators alike in 2023. 

Facebook Live

Pretty much every social media platform has a live function in 2023. So, why Facebook Live? Well, engagement is 178% higher (!) than on regular videos, and people are eight times more likely to stick with a live video than they are a pre-recorded piece of content. It also has 2.6 billion monthly users, so you won’t be short on audience members!

Facebook logo


Facebook videos snatch 135% more engagement than still images, and as of 2022, video made up 82% of all content people consume online. It’s so easy to shoot video in 2023 – what are you waiting for? Whether you’re a newbie content creator or sitting on a brand’s marketing team, your presence will be better off for including video.

Check out Facebook’s trending videos, and see what makes things stick. Why is the latest viral sensation kicking off? What did they do that you can replicate? Can you see a pattern? Take extra care and spend time working out how Facebook videos can work for you in 2023. 


Chatbots have been used by businesses on Facebook Messenger for some time now, but could they creep further across the platform? Seeing as there were more than 300,000 active chatbots on Messenger last year, it seems likely!

Facebook Ads

Ads on Facebook aren’t a new thing, given 93% of social media advertisers dedicate at least some of their spend to the platform. Given the blurring of online and offline, plus the reliance people have felt on technology since the pandemic, we can’t see Facebook advertising slowing down in 2023. We can also assume the cost of running Facebook ads will increase in 2023, down to the fact that more people want to get in on the action. 

The good folks at Facebook release an annual trend report, the most recent being Culture Rising: 2022 Trends Report. Within, they’ve identified four broad trends, each housing smaller, micro-trends. Let’s dig in! 

Looking up new Facebook trends


Self-expression, diversity and inclusion are all getting – deserved – airtime in the news nowadays, and Facebook’s been keen to highlight this as a platform trend for 2023. Here are the focus points they’ve identified:

  • Gender fluidity and an expansion of gender roles, symbols and language. Nearly half of Facebook’s survey respondents believe that gender roles are becoming irrelevant – a view shared more heavily by Gen Z and Millenials. There'll be more focus on gender-neutral advertising, especially for verticals like make-up and fashion. 
  • Cultural sensitivity in specific territories. For example, conversations around colonialism have increased year-on-year by 87% in the UK. On top of that, 42% of respondents say their nationality, ethnicity, country of origin or race matters more to their identity now than a year ago. Facebook believes this upward trend will cause big-name brands to take diversity, inclusion and people’s sensitivities into account more than before. 
  • Celebrating identity, whether that be sexuality, race, gender, or something else entirely. This much-needed Facebook trend will probably mean more brands will openly embrace activism, partnering with members of the communities they’re platforming. 
  • Authenticity, or as some have called it, ‘rawthenticity’. This means being your true self online – trends on Facebook, like body positivity, broadly fall into this category. In 2023, this uptick in authenticity will force the needle for representation of ‘non-traditional’ standards for fashion, beauty and more.
  • Accessibility and neurodiversity will remain vital trends on Facebook, with 69% of respondents concerned about discrimination due to physical or mental disabilities. Accommodating the needs of people with disabilities, such as including captions for those who are deaf or hard of hearing, is something you should already be doing. It’s relatively easy, and your content will be all the better for it.
Browsing hot Facebook trends


The way people connect with their friends, family, devices and more has changed beyond recognition over the past few years. Here are the five smaller trends Facebook have pinpointed on the topic:

  • New technologies are exciting, according to 66% of respondents. However, 65% say they wish new tech were easier to understand. While AI, VR and more will keep gaining traction, it’s worth remembering the person it’s being made for: the user. If they can’t use it easily, something’s gone wrong! Hopefully, a new Facebook trend for 2023 will be tech companies offering simpler ways to manage gadgets.
  • The metaverse will remain a huge Facebook trend for 2023, given how much money Meta has pumped into it. Virtual worlds and economies are hot, trending topics on the platform, and as the technology develops, we’ll likely see even more metaverse action on Facebook.
  • Expressing yourself and being proud of your relationship. Whether that be renewing wedding vows, announcing a plural relationship, or even rocking a divorce party, Facebook has become a place to be the real you. Boundaries and norms will be pushed in direct response to this trend!
  • Niche communities, or ‘nanocommunities’, really blossomed during the pandemic. Interests like #BollywoodSongs, #EntrepreneurLife and #CrystalHealing took off, allowing people to find comfort and entertainment during a time of uncertainty. Now things are a little more ‘regular’, though, these communities are here to stay. Expect more intense, personal connections within these groups, with conversations straying beyond the hobby in question.
  • Collaboration and collective creativity has been a massive trend on Instagram and TikTok of late, with Reels Remixes and Stitches helping creators reimagine existing content. Dance challenges and lip-syncs are obviously crowd-pleasers, but 2023 will see even more collaborative trends emerge on Facebook and similar platforms.
Looking up new Facebook trends


We’ve waxed lyrical about emerging tech, but how do our expectations stack up against reality? What do we want, what do we need, and is it at all realistic? Let’s see what Facebook thinks:

  • Education is being reframed on Facebook. The pandemic made online learning a necessity. As a result, things like nanodegrees, microcredentials, paid web-based tutors, and free educational videos are valued more than before. It’s still seen as a bit of a cultural divide, though: Baby Boomers put more stock in traditional education, whereas Gen Z are more open to exploring their options. Keep this in mind if you’re planning any educational or edutainment content for Facebook. 
  • Flexible working and hours are another product of the last few years, and searches for work-life balance and productivity-based content are on the rise. 
  • Digital enterprising is gaining momentum as a Facebook trend. Side-hustles and passive income are helping people make the step toward becoming a full-time content creator. The dream of becoming an entrepreneur is shared most by Millennials, Gen Z-ers, and parents – less so by Baby Boomers.
  • Cryptocurrency isn’t going anywhere, whether you like it or not! 49% of people believe it’ll be the future of money, with interest mostly driven by Millennials. NFTs, blockchain, and financial inclusion are all buzzy, sought-after Facebook trends, as far as cryptocurrency’s concerned.
  • Creator culture is born from spending more of our lives online, titles like ‘brand ambassador’ and ‘microinfluencer’ now genuinely sought-after. In fact, 40% of people aspire to be a successful influencer or content creator. What can you bring to the table?
Browsing Facebook trends


Social media isn’t just about smiling for the camera. Some of the biggest Facebook trends today involve getting stuck into current issues, making a change, and encouraging others to do the same. Let’s look at what Facebook has to say about it all:

  • Thinking local. When it comes to people’s carbon footprints, 58% are happy shopping local, even if it costs more. Small-scale content highlighting local stores, items, attractions and more could play into this rising Facebook trend in 2023. 
  • Podcasts are big business, and they’re making a dent on Facebook. In particular, Gen X-ers are leading the way. But it’s not just podcasts. Pieces of content concerning ASMR, music therapy, and audio editing software are all riding that trend. Basically, audio is super appealing to people on Facebook in 2023.
  • Sustainability, like wellness, has been a hot topic for the last few years, regardless of where it’s discussed. Interest in sustainability on Facebook is huge, and anyone selling or advertising on the platform would be wise to take that into account. How can they promote sustainable living, fashion, tourism and more, all without slipping into greenwashing territory? It’s a tough one, but seeing as 69% of people worldwide believe brands should care more about the environment, there’s no avoiding it. Get green! 
  • Shopification isn’t exactly a new Facebook trend, but it’s rocketed in popularity. That’s down to people’s expectations: if they can see it, they should be able to shop for it. QR codes, mobile payments and live shopping are all going to become staples of the Facebook purchase journey going forward, the lines between online and off blurring further.
  • Wellness is a phenomenon we’ve seen the world over, and Facebook is no different. Mind-body health and work-life balance content has always been received well on Facebook, but we’ll see that trend receive a well-deserved boost in 2023.
Following a wellness trend from Facebook

So, there you have it: Facebook trends 2023. Which will come true, and which will fly under the radar? You’ll have to check back at the end of the year!

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