What Epidemic Sound’s recent funding means for artists

It's been a big week for us here at Epidemic Sound. We sat down with Chief of Music, Niklas Brantberg, to get the low-down on what this week's news means for our artists.

Recording music

It's been a big week for us here at Epidemic Sound. If you missed the news – check out the press release here.

Long story short, we're growing – big time. We sat down with Chief of Music, Niklas Brantberg, to get the low down on what this week's news means for our artists.

Tyra Chantey
Tyra Chantey

Niklas, what’s just happened and why is it so exciting?

Epidemic Sound has just taken in new funding and reached ‘Unicorn’ status. It's super exciting because we’re growing, fast, and as a creative community, this is the beginning of the next stage of our journey.

As Chief of Music, it’s particularly exciting because it will continue to open up opportunities for us to get our artists’ tracks out there to new listeners. We’ll be working to widen the reach of their music by making it super easy for our community of online content creators to discover, sync, and then share it in content all over the world.

In what ways can you make artists’ tracks easier to discover, sync and share?

We have a lot of data about how Epidemic Sound tracks are used to soundtrack content across the internet; we’ll be using that insight more and more to guide us, as we continue investing in our core user experience and make it easy for content creators to find the music they need.

What effect will this have on Epidemic Sound’s artists and their music? How else will they benefit?

The more our artists’ tracks are used in online content, the more they’re heard by potential new listeners and fans who can then start following and playing their tracks on music streaming platforms. We split all royalties collected from music streaming platforms 50/50, so we’re excited to see the effect the growth of our entire creative community has for our artists here.

Music is the core of what we do. This funding gives us the opportunity to invest in that, bring more tracks into our catalog, work with more diverse genres and ultimately collaborate with more and more artists around the world to enable them to make a living through our upfront payments, 50/50 royalty splits, and Soundtrack Bonus.

Megan Wofford
Megan Wofford

Can you tell us more about this community of content and artists?

Sure. At the core, our model enables our artists’ tracks to be discovered and then travel through content made by anyone from online video creators to broadcasters, small businesses, media agencies, and brands. We have a community of millions who access our platform and rely on our music to soundtrack their stories.

Epidemic Sound has also become a hub for all types of creators to come together and collaborate. My personal favorite is the collaboration between one of our rising artists, Ooyy, and the well-known YouTuber, Peter McKinnon. They traveled to the Arctic Circle and collaborated to tell the story behind one of Ooyy’s tracks – the result is incredible.

What excites you the most about the immediate future?

All the great music that we’re releasing and seeing how content creators use it to elevate their videos! For example, check out this amazing track by Tyra Chantey called Stay in the Moment.

Want to learn more about what it’s like to be a artist at Epidemic Sound? Check out our Artist Page.

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