Faces of Epidemic Sound: Pinja Papinsaari

Epidemic Sound Social Media Lead, Pinja Papinsaari, fills in the blanks in this edition of 'Faces of Epidemic Sound'. Read on to hear her thoughts on the next big thing in social media and her best tips for higher engagement.


Epidemic Sound Social Media Lead, Pinja Papinsaari, fills in the blanks in this edition of 'Faces of Epidemic Sound', where you'll get to know the people behind Epidemic Sound. Read on to hear her thoughts on the next big thing in social media and her best tips for higher engagement.

Let's kick things off

The first thing I do after I wake up is to have a glass of lemon water… No, I’m actually just kidding — isn’t that what everyone answers to this question? For me early mornings mean quality time with my partner. He’s the morning person in our household and usually wakes me up to a ready breakfast table (I know, I know - lucky me!).

My favorite social media platform is Pinterest. It makes me feel like I’m in a quiet, peaceful and colorful room that’s full of inspiration and ideas.

I’m currently listening to the soundtrack of “Modern Love”. After just watching the second season and rewatching the first, I’m not ready to let go of the vibe just yet.


Let’s talk about social media

I think the future for social media marketing will be full of innovation yet it will feel familiar. Social media is here to stay but its integration with the rest of our lives will be more seamless than today.

My best tips for higher engagement and more followers is to just do you and don’t worry so much about it, that’s my honest answer. Interact with things and people that bring you joy. Create with passion and purpose, highlighting the uniqueness of you and/or your product. In my opinion, that’s the only sustainable way to work with social media and to use it privately.

Trends, algorithms, and even platforms change all the time and if you’re always chasing the newest best ways to optimize your feeds, you can easily lose sight of what’s actually important. Planning your activities around the current best practices may give you more for your time and money, but it shouldn’t be given all too much of our precious time and energy.

If I could change one thing about social media it would be the addictive nature of it. And how easy it is to end up reading something that upsets you. I know that causes a lot of stress on myself and others, no one who is active on social media is immune to it. It’s absolutely devastating to see how social media is affecting the mental health of people and we all have a role to play in changing that.

The next big thing in social media will be to go back to where it all started: more focus on people we care about. Note that I didn’t say just “friends and family” — people and companies, small as big, who have and will find and take space in their own niche will be more influential than ever. Authenticity is key even when new cool technologies emerge.

In ten years, I see myself still continuously learning new things and getting out of my comfort zone. I also wish to dedicate as much of my time as possible to helping others and influencing positive societal change.

Did you find Pinja's social media insights valuable? Keep your eyes peeled for the next 'Faces of Epidemic Sound' blog post, where we'll get to know another exciting person from Epidemic Sound.

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