Trends in marketing and tech at NextM

Tag along with Pablo as he explores NextM, the biggest marketing & tech event in the Nordics, held recently in Copenhagen.

Trends in marketing and tech at NextM

Pablo Strong is a British creator, interested in camera tech and known for his interview series 'Streets of London', where he captures stories of different people in London.

Tag along with Pablo in this video as he explores NextM, the biggest marketing & tech event in the Nordics, held recently in Copenhagen.

An annual marketing festival to ignite conversation, inspire new thinking and deliver expert views from industry insiders on new and emerging marketing opportunities, NextM aims to ‘separate the buzz from the bizz’, and delves deep into AI, VR, AR, MR, big data, data security, robotics, and digital marketing through cutting edge international keynotes, a tech garden with the latest technology, the best music and delicious food.

At NextM, marketing professionals experience how the next innovations are going to shape the future of tech, media, social and entertainment and Pablo brings Epidemic Sound through the experience this year in Copenhagen, Denmark. At the Techgarden, VR took a lot of the focus as virtual reality takes more of priority for the leading tech companies “with a real emphasis on how it can be used practically”. Sennheiser showcased a VR ‘ambisonic’ microphone used to create ambient floor beds for recording and that immersive feeling you can get, which is far superior.

“We strongly believe that the camera is the fastest and best way for people to communicate,” David Norris, Creative Strategy for Snapchat explains, “not only from a consumer point of view but a huge opportunity for brands to create forms of advertising that are new and creative and ads that present opportunities for an audience to interact with, not just watch.”

The line-up of speakers from all walks of life - not just from the tech giants - offer key insights into how we create and consume digital content, through marketing. Where brands are trying to target customers with organic marketing material, “you need to do something that cuts through the noise, if an idea is good enough it will take off in its own way” VICE content creator Oobah Butler says. On the other side of the content creation sphere, his advice for content creators looking to stand out as he has is “try and make an idea which has its own value, organically…. try to sum up your idea to someone who has no interest in what you do. If they’re smiling and understanding, then your idea is probably onto it, but if not, simplify it.”

Linda Hårleman of Epidemic Sound says of the power of music in content creation in the present day: “Without music, we’re never going to evoke those feelings or those emotions that we want to evoke in a story… we want to capture the audience and the way to do that is through emotions.” In terms of tools available, Linda says “the creator world and the commercial world are moving closer together, they’re starting to become very similar in the way they work –– and they should be”.

Pablo left the event feeling that this is such an exciting time for both individual creators and businesses to be making opportunities to work together and as a creator, there’s no reason why you can’t get to the very top of the field you’re in.

You can follow Pablo Strong on YouTube and Instagram.