New track pages

Our new track pages have the same look and feel as the rest of the player, and provide you with similar tracks and lyrics.

New tracks

Our new track pages provide you with similar tracks and let you read up on the lyrics if you want to use them for your content or sing along.

What’s new?

  • Track pages in the player have been updated to include all similar tracks and lyrics. Currently some tracks have lyrics and some don't. We're working to be be able ot provide you with lyrics for all tracks.
  • Similar tracks and lyrics are divided into two tabs.
  • The track pages now have the same look and feel as the rest of the player.
Main track view

Why does it matter?

  • The new pages are part of the player and from them you can continue browsing or searching for that perfect track.
  • With all similar tracks included on the page, you’ll get an overview of the tracks that potentially will work if the one you’ve landed on feels slightly off.
  • With lyrics in a separate tab, reading, copying, printing or singing along to them will be easier, so get those vocal cords warmed up!

Where do I find the track page?

  • At any time, logged in or not, click the find similar icon, or the share icon and paste the copied link into your browser, and it’ll take you to the track’s own page.
  • Find all similar tracks below or click lyrics and get to the page with the track’s lyrics.
  • To get to the track on any given DSP, simply click the streaming platform’s logo.