Personal music recommendations based on downloads

Before you go through that same search and filter process again, check out your personal music recommendations!


We want to continue improving the Epidemic Sound experience by helping you, the creator, find music you love and that suits your needs. So before you go through that same old search and filter process again, check out ‘More of what you like’ – your personal download based music recommendations!

What’s new?
From now on, we’ll give you music recommendations based on the tracks you’ve downloaded recently from Epidemic Sound. Five recommended tracks will be presented under ‘More of what you like’ on your music starting page.


How does it work?
All you have to do to get these recommendations is sign up to Epidemic Sound and download at least one track. Our machine learning powered recommender analyzes the use of our music in millions of videos, and can thus figure out the relationships between tracks in many different contexts. In other words, it finds tracks used alongside the ones you’ve recently downloaded. These tracks will be recommended to you in ‘More of what you like’.