Details that make your videos pop

California-based director, filmmaker and cinematographer Ben Hess talks about how picking up even the smallest details really combine to make a captivating visual storyline.

Taking a photo

California-based director, filmmaker and cinematographer Ben Hess who helped us create our Music Matters campaign in New York City talks about how picking up even the smallest details really combine to make a captivating visual storyline.

“The details you capture when filming can really help engage an audience that much more in the story you’re trying to tell,” Ben says, and suggests with whatever you’re filming trying to pick out and pinpoint the finite things that make the subject unique and special.

Story and subject are the two most important things to think about when filming. Before embarking on a shoot or aiming to make an amazing piece of content, consider the small details or capturing those little moments that make a person or subject unique – they all add up to become greater than the sum of their parts.

Ben explains that while shooting with ToThe9's, who are all about fashion and lifestyle, it was important to spotlight some of the small details, like their own camera that they shoot on and the bag or gloves they wear. Ben says “I essentially filmed them (going around NYC) as they were making their own content, but I wanted to take it one step further and capture all the details just to show who they are and tell a complete story”.

If we really consider the small stuff, think of any action a person is about to do - what are the details you could capture around that scene or action? Rather than just being literal and showing what action is taking place in a wider angle, why not zoom in on the minute detail to really hit home the storyline? Even the most everyday things such as what you put in your coffee or zipping up your boots can really add depth and resonance for a subject’s storyline.

“The details are what tell an amazing and captivating story,” Ben concludes.