Announcing the 'No Rules Challenge' winners

Last week, we asked you to create magic with Cospe’s track ‘Love Is Strong’ and boy, did you! The competition is now officially finished and we have a line of winners to announce.

No Rules winners

Last week, we asked you to create magic with Cospe’s track ‘Love Is Strong’ and boy, did you! The competition is now officially finished and we have a line of winners to announce.

The level of engagement in the No Rules Challenge has been overwhelming and your talent and skill have exceeded all of our expectations. Therefore, picking three winners almost seemed impossible for the Epidemic jury.

However, since it's a no-rules kind of challenge, we thought we'll bend these rules slightly and choose not only three winners, but four! Crazy – we know.

The Winners Are…


Congrats to Franziska Niehus who scored the number one prize: an iPhone Pro 11 MAX and a yearly Epidemic subscription.

The motivation? From the very first frame we were completely captured and amazed by Franziska's beautiful visual storytelling. The video truly showcases a creative use of the track, a unique visual style and great sound design. It truly felt like the track was made for this video.

Get to know the winner, Franziska Niehus, and her creative mind a bit better through three quick questions.

What’s your creative background?
I'm a travel filmmaker and passionate editor. I made my first video when I was 12 and since then I never really stopped filming.

What inspired you to make this video?
I love big cities and their colorful vibes. Being in Shanghai felt like a dream and I wanted to challenge myself by shooting the city at night and seeing those vibes through my lens.

What is your number one tip on how to elevate yourself as a creator?
I love what Quentin Tarantino once said: "When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them 'No, I went to films'". Use the world, your personality and emotions as a playground for your art and don't let others tell you what you're capable of (especially when you get rejected by film schools).


Big-ups to Riccardo Ruscello who took home a pair of AirPods Pro and a yearly Epidemic subscription.

What was our thinking? With the dream sequence intro, we instantly got hooked by Riccardo's video featuring great sound design and creative use of track complemented by beautiful footage of a skater in his prime element.


Last but not least: Kudos to Stefan Schneider and Richard McDade who won a yearly Epidemic subscription each. They were both simply too good not to score a prize!

The reasoning behind our decision? Stefan’s submission stood out because of the humor and creative integration of the track in his story. We truly loved it. Humor, skill and timing all in one video.

We loved Richard’s video equally as much, as he created this great edit out of a simple hula hoop scene. Then he perfectly matched it to the soundtrack and tied it all together with great visual effects.

Finally, a HUGE thank you to everyone who contributed to this challenge. You’ve all truly blown us away. Keep your eyes peeled for more challenges to come – perhaps you’ll be the next winner!